The cluster is confined to the front of the Drayton Hive by a division board. Empty frames are stored behind it.
If spring is delayed by wet or cold weather it is advisable to place a block of candy or a rapid feeder of sugar syrup over the feeding hole (see Feeding, below). When it is warm enough to open the hive, the division board is replaced by the excluder. While the queen and brood remain confined to the front of the hive the colony expands through the excluder into the honey chamber, filling the empty combs with wax and honey.
Honey flow
Frames in the honey chamber that are at least 70% full of capped honey should be removed for extraction and replaced by moving forward the empty frames behind them. Full frames can act as a barrier to those behind them, so it is important that the situation is monitored (through the observation window) to avoid congestion in the hive. This procedure should be repeated as often as necessary throughout the season.
Clearing frames
Each frame from which honey is to be extracted can be cleared of bees by gently shaking them into the hive, and by brushing off the stragglers. Holding the frame over a polythene storage box, the comb is then cut out so that it drops into the box. The box should be closed immediately to avoid attracting flying bees. Wet frames are then returned to the hive for cleaning by the bees. This operation can be completed in about 20 seconds per frame.
Late Summer
A feature of the Drayton Hive is its small entrance, making it easy for bees to defend. However, if they are seen to be struggling against a sustained attack, the entrance can be reduced in size with a small block of wood, perhaps held in place with drawing pins.
Other pests
The Drayton Hive leaves little wax in the empty frames so they are unlikely to attract wax moth. The entrance slot is too narrow for mice to gain access. If considered necessary, Varroa treatments can be applied according to the manufacturer’s instructions.
As the cluster contracts, any frames in the brood chamber that are empty of both honey and brood should be moved to the honey chamber and the wax cut away. Frames in the honey chamber containing uncapped honey and, ideally, at least three frames of capped honey, should be moved to the back of the brood chamber for use as winter feed. The excluder should then be replaced by the division board.
The Drayton Hive’s insulation means that the bees should survive the winter with three or four frames of honey but if that is not available, they should be fed with thick sugar syrup. There is sufficient space under the roof for a half-gallon rapid feeder to be installed over the hole in the cover cloth.
Trimming frames
Excess wax in the frames behind the division board should be trimmed off. The objective should be to leave residual wax only in the centre of the bars as a starter strip for the next season. Any surplus wax left in the honey chamber risks attracting wax moth.