Honey extraction
All that is required for honey extraction from the Drayton Hive is a honey tank fitted with a strainer and tap. In a bee-proof room, combs are manually crushed into the strainer. A complete frame of honey can be squeezed out in about two minutes. It is then left to drain through the strainer overnight before bottling. Note – it is important not to overload the strainer so only two frames should be extracted at a time. Each extraction of two full frames should produce at least 8lb of honey.
There is an advantage in crushing the comb into a domestic colander placed on the strainer; this prevents the strainer becoming blocked and leaves a residue of wax that has been partially drained of honey.
Wax extraction
Honey extraction leaves a quantity of soft, new wax, largely free of pollen, propolis and other impurities and there are several techniques for refining it further. This feature makes the Drayton Hive an attractive option to those interested in making candles, cosmetics and polish etc.